Dr. Lee Herzig, D.V.M.
PLEASE NOTE: Our practice is relocating on December 17, 2015. We are moving to southern Maine, approximately 1 hour north of Portland, in the Freeport area. (We are seeking space and welcome inquiries.) Supplements will still be available by phone order. Consultations by phone will also continue. Call 207-338-6700 to leave a message and we will return all calls.
Please check back here for further updates on our new location.
At Full Circle Holistic Veterinary Clinic, Dr. Lee Herzig approaches your animal's health with a loving touch and a holistic point of view. He looks at all aspects of your pet's health including diet, medical history, physical well-being, emotional health, and environmental factors to determine an individualized treatment plan.

Dr. Herzig gives chiropractic treatment to Struggles
Dr. Herzig uses Traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture and herbs, chiropractic care, dietary and supplemental therapy; and incorporates traditional Western veterinary medicine when appropriate. He draws upon his many years of experience and vast knowledge of holistic medicine to help treat each patient. He is interested in treating the animal's present symptoms, but more importantly in promoting an overall improved state of health ultimately leading to a longer life for all of his patients.
Lee Herzig, D.V.M, offers integrative holistic care for your pet. He specializes in treating patients from the most comprehensive perspective by addressing all of the multiple factors (physical, environmental, emotional, mental, etc.) that play a role in both health and disease.
Please call for an appointment (207-338-6700) or to arrange a phone consultation.
Contact us for details.